Air Quality

Air quality can contribute to your overall health.  Exposure to toxic chemicals, gases,  or other contaminants may cause serious health issues. Learn how to monitor and test the air quality in your home, workplace and outdoor environment.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality can affect your health. Learn how to improve indoor air quality in your home.

Carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a tasteless, odourless and invisible gas that can be dangerous to your health. Make sure to install a CO alarm in your home. The alarm will alert you and your family to the presence of carbon monoxide in the air. Contact your local municipality for more information on the use and installation of carbon monoxide alarms.


Moulds are fungi that can grow indoors in wet or damp areas and can affect your health. Learn how to prevent, identify and manage mould in your home.


Radon is a radioactive gas found naturally in the environment. It is produced by the decay of uranium found in soil, rock and groundwater. The gas is invisible, odourless and tasteless; however, it can cause serious health problems. Typically, health issues, such as lung cancer, develop from long exposure in a confined and poorly ventilated space.

You can test your home for radon by hiring a certified radon measurement professional. Visit the National Radon Proficiency Program for a list of certified radon testing companies. You can also test radon levels yourself using a radon test kit. Purchase a radon test kit from your local hardware store.

Workplace Air Quality

If you are concerned about the air quality at work, contact your regional Ministry of Labour office.

Outdoor air quality

Special Air Quality Statements (SAQS) and Smog and Air Health Advisories (SAHAs) may be issued by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks in collaboration with Environment and Climate Change Canada when the quality of the air presents a risk to your health.

SAQS may be issued when there is a potential for outdoor air quality to become poor as a result of weather forecasts, wildfire smoke,  or pollutants, etc.  These are generally short-term events (less than 2 hours).  SAHAs are generally longer term events (greater than 3 hours in duration) and create conditions that  poor air quality will persist leading to greater health risks to those who are vulnerable.

The following table illustrates the number of Special Air Quality Statements and Smog and Air Health Advisories issued for Huron and Perth counties.

Statements Issued
Number of Special Air Quality Statements  2  3  4 4*
Number of Smog and Air Health Advisories # # # #

*Data up to September 2023

The Air Quality Health Index is an important scale that provides real-time air quality information.  It uses a scale from 1 to 10 and ranks health risks associated with air quality from low to very high risk.  Review the Air Quality Health Index and Air Quality Ontario websites to view air quality health index values, and the impact of air quality on your overall health.

Learn about the actions you can take to improve outdoor air quality.